Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Gift of Giving to Non-profits

As a development professional, I am passionate about my belief in the gift of giving to non-profit organizations. At this time of year, mailboxes are brimming with appeals from a variety of organizations, many groups who rely on fundraising dollars to support their worthwhile missions.
Aviv Centers for Living recently sent out an appeal that quoted the Talmud as saying, “One person’s candle is a light for many.” We took a walk down memory lane recalling that when the original founders of Aviv gathered in 1945, the world was a very different place. Gasoline cost about 15 cents a gallon. Elvis Presley debuted at age 10. Harry Truman was sworn in as the 33rd President of the United States as George and Barbara Bush wed and the United Nations was formed. While the darkness of World War II clouded the universe, a group of citizens gathered in Lynn to create light for seniors and founded the Jewish Convalescent Home, fondly called “the Home.”
Well over 66 years ago, while the world was a different place, the desire for good people to galvanize for grand purposes was just as important as it is today. As you prepare for the holidays, take a moment to look in your heart and make a donation to a non-profit organization. It may be the best gift you give this holiday season.